"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Theodor Seuss Geisel (Dr. Seuss)
Quote taken from a fellow artist, Nina's inspiring blog.
What a beautiful quote ~ really! What a "freeing" quote ~ really!
I have been living life. Busy with my jewelry. Busy with my full-time job in downtown Houston. Busy designing/re-working my studio/office.
(Thank you my dh for such a wonderful birthday present!)
I have a full life. It is a good life. And, for that, I am thankful.

I have had Photoshop Elements 6 on our home computer for 2 years come Christmas. I knew it was time. Time to learn more, and from who else but Susan?
Each week we have 3 projects, and will so for 4 more weeks. I am basking in the possibilities of what will come of this. Jewelry pictures ~ yes. I have many. Life pictures ~ many more! Of course, I will be sharing. Your comments mean so much to me. More than you know.
So, if you are out there, lurking, not commenting OR commenting....well, here is your opportunity to let yourself be known (to me). I am having a small give-away. The gift will be a surprise. Yes, you won't find out what you win until you do......
(Drawing will be October 7th at 7 pm CST).
Note: I am on my way to Warrenton tomorrow. I have posted about it here many times. I will be there for 3 days~straight! And, with my dd.
Heaven for sure.
More photos from the Visual Poetry group are here. I am thrilled to share!
And, oh yes, I have been designing some new pieces.