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Monday, October 20, 2008

Odd Shots on Monday

All types of people come thru my jewelry booth at sales, but this one last weekend was one of the funniest! I couldn't resist taking a photo of this guy, all decked out for Halloween. The funniest part (to me), was how he was carried~in a doggy sling around his owner's back, just like mother's use to carry their babies. What will they think of next?
For more odd shots today, go see Katney. You will like what you see!


Anita said...

Ok, that is so adorable, but I would NEVER subject my dog to that... lol
Great shot!
(FINALLY got that mailed this morning! Yeah me! lol)

Fanciful Expressions said...

That little dog is too funny. He looks mighty comfortable in that outfit...I wonder if he might be a REAL pirate!! Look out Johnny Depp.
Thanks for the chuckle,Diane.


Daryl said...

That is just priceless ... and doesnt that little pooch know how cute he looks!


kansasrose said...

Too cute hon! :) Where's his bottle of rum? hehe

ps on your comment on my blog you said "tm" did you mean trade mark? :D

Katney said...

Your pirate pup immediatley reminded me of the parrot we saw recently while hiking. I was too stupefied to get a picture. It would ahve been a definite odd shot.

Meg Wolff said...

He is SO cute. We do love our dogs! Will check out Katney.

Dragonstar said...

Such fun! What a sweet dog that is!