Two of the last customers in my booth on Sunday were sisters. Not only were they buying Christmas gifts & gifts for themselves; they were buying for each other. Talk about fun~this was quite interesting to see one try to buy a piece of jewelry while the other one wasn't looking! It worked out in the end, but just yesterday I received an e-mail that was really neat.
Sister no. 2 had bought the angel necklace I designed, and wanted but didn't get a pair of earrings to match. She was contacting me about buying a pair. At noon she had lunch with Sister no. 1, and while talking to her about e-mailing me & asking about buying a pair of matching earrings, Sister no. 1 went out to her car and got the pair of earrings that matched. They were one of the items she had bought her sister for Christmas!
They both spent the final hour in my booth, and at one time Sister no. 2 had at least 4 necklaces on at one time. They looked beautiful on her. I said I must take a picture! But, I ran out of time, and didn't get the shot. It would have been a great one!
The Sister's necklace was made and left in Belllville at Nothing Ordinary Antiques & Oddities. I specifically made it for that shop, as I had also put the name of the town, Bellville, Texas, on the back. (I graduated from BHS, so Bellville holds alot of special memories for me). The necklace just turned out so beautiful. I must say it was hard to part with. I love how the delicate rhinestone catch dangles perfectly off the bottom charm. And, the faceted mother of pearl beads catch the light and shimmer with beauty and grace. I will be making more.
One more thing, at one point, Sister no. 1 said to me (while Sister no. 2 had all the necklaces around her neck)...."and imagine growing up with her". What I saw when she said it, was her gentle resolve and acceptance. She loved her sister, just as she was and still is.
That was just beautiful to me.
That's a beautiful necklace, Diane.
The story of the sisters so sweet.
I grew up as an only child and over the years have "adopted" a few "sisters".
Aw sisters ... the true yin/yang of this world
Wonderful show story. Observing this type of interaction is so special. Thanks for sharing. Your jewelry is beautiful.
What a great story! I always wanted a sister, but I love my little brother, anyway! :)
I love this story, Diane. Thanks for sharing it. xoxoxo
Beautiful story, beautiful necklace...sisters are special! Thank you for sharing this story, Diane. It's wonderful the stories you hear when you sell your work~~~
I love your "sisters" jewelry. Nice story.
p.s. Let me know when you have more of the free to believe necklaces. You jewelry is so beautiful!!
Good Morning Diane!
I just popped in to say...TAG! You're IT! You can read about on my blog and play along if you'd like.
I love the story of the sisters!
I like this story too!
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