This five day show was the longest I've ever done.
Thankfully we had (pretty) great weather most of the time,
even though I almost melted a couple of afternoons.
Thankfully we had (pretty) great weather most of the time,
even though I almost melted a couple of afternoons.
I'm so thankful to have been a part of it,
as it turned out to be one of those experiences I'm glad I didn't miss.
as it turned out to be one of those experiences I'm glad I didn't miss.
I couldn't have done it without my selfless husband,
my great friend Riki,
and my wonderful daughter ~ Melanie!
Before the show, we had two days of shopping in Warrenton...which was the BEST.
We shopped, laughed and walked a lot!
Here's a picture of Mary, Melanie and Riki
on what Melanie thought must have been the very first
We shopped, laughed and walked a lot!
Here's a picture of Mary, Melanie and Riki
on what Melanie thought must have been the very first
bike cab!
I saw old friends and met new ones.
I saw old friends and met new ones.
=) & Cindy (Crawford *wink*)
Sandy, Charlene, Susie, Karen, Joy
Rita, Cindy, Riki & =)at Theresa's Blog Party.
Barb from Arizona, who will be taking a couple of my classes
at Art Unraveled, stopped by to introduce herself,
which was such a surprise!
which was such a surprise!
Here's a picture we took with Jenny, who is a Facebook friend from Minnesota.
Jenny actually caught me while Riki & I were walking through Warrenton.
She was there selling some of her jewelry!
who gave me the opportunity to be a part of the show next to her in Tent "W".
One of those being with Mary and Melanie
at the show opening of Clutter.
Yep....we had quite a time!
who gave me the opportunity to be a part of the show next to her in Tent "W".
This week I will share more pictures of what Riki and I did the day she arrived,
as well as the next two days we spent in Warrenton.One of those being with Mary and Melanie
at the show opening of Clutter.

Yep....we had quite a time!
Hi Diane! I met you briefly at Warrington. I was the one who bought the beautiful pink chair(under the tent) and was admiring your amazing jewerly! Anyhow, wanted to say hi and it was such a pleasure to meet you. Your artwork is just amazing.
I love that you all wear rhinestones in the day and with super cool casual is a beautiful thing!
Oh Diane, the much-anticipated posts are here! I know it must be difficult to capture all of your experiences in a blog post (let alone the time to edit all of these wonderful pictures), but we are here eagerly awaiting an update and you delivered! :-) Looks like a fantastic time was had by all. Just look at all of the smiles from friends old and new. Jewelry, antiques and good friends = what a dream! :-)
What a wonderful time you must of had.I love all your pictures.Hope it was a huge success for you.
Diane, I'm looking forward to reading your posts and seeing your photos. I wish I could have gotten down there. It looks like you had a wonderful time!
I can feel the good times just pouring out of the photos! Always love your photos!
Hi Diane you looks so pretty and so happy!!! beautiful pictures for a great meeting!! wow!!
More, more I can't wait for more eye candy and hear how you did. It's my dream someday to go to Roundtop. Your pictures are awesome.
You look all so great. Your look is really appealing:-)
Looks like those smiles never stopped
Simply ... *FaBuLoUs*! Love you lots!
Oh Diane, it looks like you had a wonderful time....wish I could have made it, but I had family visiting. Next time..... ; )
Oh, a girl can dream, can't she? Looks like it was fabulous fun trip and you experienced and saw some unique items. Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful photos! Looks like you had an amazing time.
Hi Diane, I remember you from Lori's blog soup I just popped back to get to read more of you wonderful blog and decided I would like to follow you, so here I am!
Wowie guys must have had a blast! How wonderful to be with so many talented vendors and artists, family and friends! What an awesome experiecne. I'm so tickled to see your handsome hubby right by your side for all you do...that's love! Glad ypu made your safe journey home...hugs tp you and get some rest!
Aw! Sorry I missed you gals. I know you had a heck of a time!
Fabulous pitures! I just posted some on my blog too...and I linked back to your blog!
Hi Diane
These pictures are fantastic. So much happiness shows in them. Thanks for sharing and hi from Canada!
Welcome Home Lady Dy!!!
Oh what fun you,the girls+Trusty Side Kick must have had!!! One of these days Round Top is on my "must do before I die" list!!!
Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mx.
It feels good to be HOME doesn't it!!!! I just did a fast dash to Oklahoma City after California & then Round Top... WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME??????? I'm ready to rest & catch up now. And I have so many things swirling in my head to be created. That's good because the well has seemed dry until you primed the pump at Heart Strings... HUGS!
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