My fourth year at the St. John Vianney Bazaar was a huge success!
Thanks to you my faithful family and friends.
I leave you with my favorite Irish blessing.
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
So lovely pictures as usual. The little bracelet (?) is lovely and the colors of the old suitcases make me smell the odour of old leather.
Beautiful treasures.
Congrats, Diane. I am so pleased that your bazaar was such a great success. Don't you just love the old suitcases??? Your rhinestone and crystal piece is lovely. You go girlfriend!
I love that Irish blessing and I love these photographs! I can so see how old suitcases would be ideal for a show of work!
Glad your sale was a success. Love the photo in the last post. I so want to start doing some fun things with my photos. My camera died last night so I will be camera shopping today or tomorrow. What kind do you use? I would love an SLR but, need to take some photography classes to do that so, looking for something that takes good photos, is light & will slip in my purse. Any hints... let me know.
Oh my magpie eyes are WIDE open and loving that necklace ..oh la la!
So glad your show went well..I love old suitcases, have them in the studio for storage, in the Living room for storage and one even on top of my kitchen cabinets for show..
Oh that necklace is simply stunning!!
I've always loved old suitcases. I find myself always imagining where they have been, the stories they could tell. *sigh*
I knew you would be a huge success ,your work is amazing
Beautiful necklace!
Cloud9 Design
Hi Diane
So glad you had fun over the weekend. Are you all recuperated from the rush of preparing? What a beautiful, beautiful piece...no wonder it sold!! It is just the style of your jewelry that I adore!
Yeah Diane! Way to go at the bazaar. The pics are as wonderful as always, your work is just beautiful! I'm almost in SLO! Later girlfriend. Riki
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