There were snacks & punch; and door prizes! Oh, if you could have seen the smiles on their faces when they won a door prize, then possibly you could begin to understand how I felt that day.
I do have to tell you about the crystal swings above.....I had not intended to take these to the sale, as I had made them for a friend's mother. She ordered a pair of chandelier earrings to match the Crystal Princess, to wear to a party she will be attending this week. She loves large earrings, and these totally fit the bill. However, I did decide to bring them along, as I could easily make another pair in time for her party, if I sold them. (Which I have, of course!)
Well, I sold the earrings to Pam, Director of Sales & Marketing.
She had a business trip this week, and fell in love with them. I received the most precious note from her, after sending her a gracious "thank you" for inviting me as a vendor to their Misteltoe Market.
Here is what she said:
I can’t wait to wear my earrings! I am traveling to Baltimore for meetings on Sunday and through the first part of the week and have been planning my wardrobe of course. It is too funny I have totally planned an entire outfit around the earrings!
I was totally humbled by her words, and so grateful for her little message. It meant the world to me, and a still small voice said even more.
Have you ever thought how just one simple act can bring about a change of acts by another? In this case, I made a very sweet (& pretty) lady very happy. She loves the earrings, and they will give her joy to wear.
I want to always have a positive affect on others. I chose it. Joy is a choice.
Just as the joy I felt helping the residents last week, passing slowly by my booth. Leisurely looking and asking questions. Making comments about the family cabinet cards I had mixed in with my jewelry.
I must say, I saw both pain and joy.
I felt alot of both that day.
We jewelry makers are especially blessed because we can bring happiness to others through our work. How fun is that? :-)
What pretty earrings~~
How sweet Diane,I think we can all relate to the lovely people you observed at Misteltoe Market. Your earrings are beautiful!
Earrings are fabooooo... and I was going to wear the other more casual crystal earrings with my Crystal Princess necklace .. had I but known ...
What a lovely post Diane! I love my Katy Prairie jewelry and when I wear these special pieces I feel GOOOOOD! ( because of your special mojo!) Your earrings are just lovely...you will SHINE in Baltimore. Have a safe, fun trip! :) Jen
I do believe that joy is a choice and that we can dance with joy and pain at the same time. I know it to be true.
What a beautiful note you received -- I am sure you will treasure it just as she treasures her earrings.
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