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Monday, June 16, 2008

Odd Shots on Monday

Corn left on the grill?

This shot may not be odd, but the thought of leaving a perfectly grilled ear of corn on the "Big Man's" grill all night, was very odd to me. Did we do that?
Saturday was Father's Day at our house, and my dh, of course, really outdid himself~grilled baby back ribs mopped with Apricot Chipotle sauce, grilled chicken that had marinated in a special Goya seasoning all night, and of course, venison & pork sausage we have made at Eckermann's Meat Market in Shelby, Texas.
Lastly, fresh sweet corn had been put on the grill, gently cooked in its husks; no need of any added ingredients......So, when I went outside Sunday morning, and saw this?
I pray you too had a blessed Father's Day at your home.
For odd shot details, be sure and see Katney.


Sharon said...

Great OS. I loved the story to go with it!

ArneA said...

I thought it was a chicken. Yes Odd.

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm... sounds wonderful! Great odd shot... I bet that's a fluke that doesn't happen very often ;-)

Jane Hards Photography said...

Odd to me as I usually see corn after it's been stripped and cooked.

Daryl said...

I am guessing someone forgot to clean up .. or it was left as an offering/tribute to the God of the Grill?

In any case it is indeed odd!


Anonymous said...

forgotten corn at our house would definitely be odd! great shot.

Anita said...

Darn! Missed one! :)

Good odd shot!

Ingrid said...

Now my mouth waters with your grill description !

Kim said...

A leftover corn? what a shame :) sounds like you guys had a wonderful fathers day weekend.

Katney said...

Grilling is the best way for corn, but these are probably petrified by now.

Dragonstar said...

Barbecues have never come my way, so the whole thing seems odd to me! But I can well understand that having any food left over must be highly unusual. Great shot anyway!

Marvin said...

My heart is broken at the sight of orphaned food, so forlorn and neglected on the grill all night.

I enjoyed viewing your Odd Shot.

becky aka theRAV said...

Thanks for your kind comments on my Odd shot. So naturally I had to check your's out. If you had not told us what it was, I would never have guessed.