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Thursday, July 26, 2007


.........has always been easy for me....until about 2 years ago. i started experiencing pain in my left knee. i went to see an orthopedic surgeon. she said i had sciatica. i did stretching exercises~but not regularly. then, i started experiencing lower back pain. me? no, not me. the athletic minded, over-zealous, aerobics nut, can do-it-all one! yes, it hit, and it hurt. i went to my pcp, then went for numerous physical therapy sessions. it helped when i went, but i was not faithful with doing the exercises at home.
so, that brings me to the big 50~approaching fast~not to mention those extra pounds!
i had met a special person at one of my sales last October. she bought several pieces at the sale, and kept in contact, because she liked my jewelry. her name is Angela, and she teaches yoga at Yoga West in Katy. she told me that yoga, (and I did hear you Angela), would help my back. but I had tried yoga before, many years ago, and didn't think it was right for me~my back hurt~i couldn't possibly do a forward bend!
then, several months ago she invited me to the studio for the summer soltice celebration~to sell my jewelry~and~ participate in the classes that day, if i so wished.
i am so glad i wished, as after that one day, yoga has been a turning point in my physical and mental being. i have enjoyed it so much, feeling a freedom and joy in my body, that i have not felt for some time. yoga is for everyone. so much can be learned from this ancient practice, and i am in for the long haul. one of the other teachers at the studio, janaki, had suggested to the class, a couple of books that she enjoyed. i have bought one by one, reading them, digesting them, learning.
i am a born-again Christian, and nothing will take the place of that fact~pure and simple. the beauty of yoga, is, that is my choice, and there is no judgement in that choice, by the teachers, the studio or my fellow classmates.
so i say to you today......find your movement....perhaps you should find yoga!
ps.....this cookbook, Ayurvedic Cooking for Westerners, is like no other you have or will have; as it explains alot about finding the types of food that is right for you to eat-plus it has great recipes!


kansasrose said...

I love your attitude! You and I have a lot in common! ( except I turned 51 in April) otherwise...as a Christian I am very open minded to other "ways" and cultures and disciplines. And I feel OK with it. Yoga is one of them. I am joining a new yoga studio this fall for all the reasons you mentioned. I love my 50's by the way...such freedom! You will too! :)

Judy Wise said...

My husband had back seizures about 3 times a year before we started doing yoga together. I really had to go up against some strong preconceptions to get him to go but in the past 7 years of doing yoga once a week he has never had a recurrance of the back problem and now he wouldn't dream of stopping. We are in our 60's by the way.xoxo